Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So I have decided that I need an outlet. That is, an outlet besides cigarettes and scratch offs. My current unemployment has been tiring. When you have what seems like an endless number of hours to "putter around" the apartment life becomes one long day of nothingness. Since I quit my last job because it was beyond boring and I felt I was way above spending my day calling slumlords trying to get them to be decent people. Which by the way is virtually impossible. There are only a select number of people who care about the quality of life of the people who pay them rent. I was an overpaid, over glorified call center rep with a civil service position. I made the most money I ever had and felt bad about it. The city I worked for was in a financial crisis and I was part of the problem. Everyone thinks I am crazy for quitting a unionized government job yet they would turn around and complain about the waste that exists. Hellooooo...I was part of that. I remember my father telling me that there were at least 7 positions that he could think of, off the top of his head, that could be eliminated immediately and one of those was mine. So, after realizing that I hated what I did and felt awful about even having the job, I quit.
I spent the next seven months being a nanny to my super awesome niece. Some of the best days of my life were spent with her. I was able to be a part of an amazing responsibility. When my sister and brother in law decided that it would be more financially viable to send their daughter to daycare I was officially unemployed for the first time since I was 15.
The first week was pretty cool. The next week...not so much. All my friends and family work during the day so there is no one to hang out with and then there's that little thing called money. I don't have any.

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